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Filtry FILKOM s.r.o.
   - Air filters
      - Air units and air condition
      - For turbines
      - For compressors and air-pumps
      - For paintshops
      - For short blasting
      - For welding plants
      - For machining centres
      - For production technology and plastic materials processing
      - For foundries
      - For suction at production processes
      - Industrial vacuum cleaners
      - Other (special)
   - Gas filters
      - For underground gas storage
      - For compressor stations
      - For control stations
      - For technical gases
      - Special
   - Liquid filters
      - For oil filtration
      - For emulsion filtration
      - For water filtration
      - Other (special)
   - Other filters
      - Mobile filtration units
      - Filter vessels
      - Filter repassing
   - Company profile
      - Company profile
      - Certificates
      - Sponsorship
      - Download
   - Products
   - Services
      - Distribution
      - Service and liquidation
      - Counselling
      - Filter repassing
   - Contact